This is Cloudy. She's a morning dove that has nested outside our window. We can see her from the window on the back stairs and you get an even better view of her from Maia's window. Last year we had a morning dove in the exact same spot that Maia named Sky. She is convinced that this is Sky's baby come back to hatch her own eggs. I think it is still Sky, but I call her Cloudy. Isn't she beautiful? She has sat on her eggs through rain and wind and flurries and her eggs finally hatched the other day! Now we can see her feeding her babies.
I love this time of year. Watching all of the birds gathering nesting material and checking progress on the nests around the yard. Inevitably I get a phone call or two from friends and neighbors with injured or abandoned baby animals every spring and I've stocked up on sall of my supplies in anticipation.
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