Our Family Farm inspired costume for Chipotle Restaurant's "Boo-rito Costume Contest".
I have absolutely no shame when it comes to making a fool of myself for something I believe in. Add to that a chance to win some serious cash and you have no idea how shameless I can be.
When Amanda called me and told me Chipotle Restaurant’s were having a “family farm” costume contest with a $2,500 first prize and five $1,000 runner up prizes, I practically ran up into the attic to see what I could piece together. The rules of the contest stated that you had to submit a photo that clearly showed that you were in or outside a Chipotle Restaurant. Plus, tonight after 6:00 if you went there in a costume you got a burrito for $2 with all proceeds going to Chipotle’s Cultivate Foundation and Farm Aid.
I had one adult chicken costume for me that I bought last year. I figured if business got slow on Free Range Friday’s I could stand out there in a chicken suit and attract customers. So far I haven’t had to use it, so this could be it’s big debut.
Believe it or not, I dragged down the India’s chick costume from when she was 3-1/2, and with a few snips at the seams and removal of the sleeves, I managed to stuff Maia into it! The costume was showing it’s age after 9 years of attic storage and there was some serious “molting” going on.
And we managed to get India into the scarecrow costume I made last year for our Wizard of Oz theme.

We brought a real chicken for India to hold. We decided to re-name her Chipotle after tonight's adventure.
For Jim I went to the local Goodwill in search of a pair of overalls but they didn’t have any. I don’t think a lot of people in our area wear overalls. I did find them at the local army/navy store and they were pretty inexpensive compared to what they’re getting for normal jeans these days. They also had one of those caps with the fake fur ear flaps I’ve been wanting for winter farm chores that would be perfect.
Jim wore a flannel shirt with the overalls and the cap and we stuffed some hay in his bib and pants pockets. The finishing touch was Kiki. She came along for the ride. I’m quite sure grace was pissed that she didn’t get to go and I’m sure I’ll hear it from her tomorrow.

Farmer Jim and Kiki
Evan was being a typical 11-year old boy and couldn’t squeeze his family in when he had trick or treating to do with his friends.
You should have seen the faces on the people working at Chipotle when we walked in. They couldn’t run for their phones to take their own pictures fast enough. They asked us where we rented the goat and chicken! Both goat and chicken were very well behaved and we didn’t have any unfortunate poop or pee incidents while inside. I figure that will help our chances of winning.
They announce the winners on November 15th, so keep your fingers crossed for us. If we win one of the cash prizes, I’ll give the girls each a little money for Christmas shopping and maybe some special treats for the goats and chickens too, but I sure would be thrilled to be able to send a bunch of it back to some farm charity or use some to for the membership dues the Connecticut Farm Bureau and the Connecticut chapter of the Northeast Organic Farming Association.
slam dunk, Grand Prize winner(S)!
Ya all had to be the only contestants w/ live, feathered & furry props!
F A N T A S T I C!
You guys just rock! I think Chipotle got you back into the Halloween spirit 🙂
And apparently some dodo asked if KiKi was a dog dressed up as a goat!
I got the link to your site from the Country Living Blue Ribbon blogs page. I love your site, and I love, love, love the costumes, especially the creative mix of homemade, purchased, and scavenged elements. I don’t know what I lke best: the live animals for farm-y verisimilitude, or the fact that you bought a hat as a costume piece first, and a useful item of clothing second! : )