Today on the farm:

It seems that Princess Kate could not bear Melina's abuse or continual bad mood since Cissy's death and attempted suicide today. Not really. She was taking a nap under the car, but it sure looks like it, doesn't it?

Here's a close-up. Maia took the picture, and she said Kate was sleeping so soundly she was actually drooling.
And we got siding on most of the chicken coop today! Doesn’t it look terrific!

And landing perches for the nesting boxes. I decided to alternate round closet poles with simple hand railings. I thought the bigger chickens might like the larger and flatter grip of the hand railings, but the smaller bantams probably will prefer the round poles.

Grace continued to perfect her high jump onto the kitchen counters. She has also discovered how tasty green leaves are.

And Kiki just remains the cutest little thing God ever created.

And Melina did some pruning of our miniature lilac bushes.

Princess Kate, are you okay??? It’s not so bad!!! You are such a lucky little goat – you have a BEAUTIFUL FARM! Wow, in my next life I’d like to come back as a bantam chicken there! 🙂
Princess Kate looks so precious in her sleep. Kiki is a cutie and that chicken coop will make my neighbor’s chickens envious!
Have a happy 4th!!
Susan and Bentley