Here she is! My Tennessee Fainting Goat. We haven’t seen her actually faint yet, but she has gotten stiff-legged a few times.
It was a long two days driving down to Maryland and back, but it was worth it once I got her. We haven’t decided on a name yet. India wants Belle, but I think that too Disney. Even though I didn’t watch one minute of the royal wedding, I kind of like Princess Kate for her. She’s very dainty.
She was wonderful on the drive home. I think she only bleeated 3 times the entire drive. But man, did she scream when I took her out of the crate at home!
Cissy and Melina didn’t know what to think about her. It was interesting to watch them with her. Cissy pretty much stood off to the side and pouted, while Melina had the hair up on her back and was literally panting. Rather than the normal head-butting for seniority, on several occasions Melina rammed her body. She was also licking her and tried a few bites. She did settle down a bit by the evening and they were eating some hay cautiously together.

Cissy pouting and Melina licking

And I arrived home to find walls on my goat house! Unfortunately there is still no roof, so Princess Kate is sleeping in a dog crate in the chicken coop. I didn’t trust Melina enough yet to leave her with those two. She seems pretty content when I check her, but the chickens are a little upset.

The front wall with 3 big windows. The miking stand will be in front of the center window.

The back wall. Dutch goat doors on left and right with a little window in the middle.
If anybody has any brilliant suggestions for a name for this little girl or wants to vote on Belle vs. Princess Kate, please let me know!
SO cute!! How about Beatrice? She was the big talked-about personality, quirky in a way the fainter will be. Or Pippa?
So that’s what you’re buliding, a goat house. J & I love walking/jogging by your place, and being greeted by the dog or goats.
I think you should name her Princess Catherine. Old fashioned princesses were regal and they used to faint a lot didn’t they?