Beyonce has made her way from Texas to the porch of my goat house in Connecticut!
It’s nice to be home with my animals again. I know they missed me, and I’m sure they are glad things are back to their usual schedule.
As I suspected, my roosters are getting more manly looking every day.
And my Barred Rock rooster is getting his lovely long tail feathers.
So far there hasn’t been a peep (or crow) out of either of them, so I’m very happy about that.
While I was away, Ash, the hen that has been broody in the goat house for like 3 months, finally gave up trying and got off of her eggs. I feel so bad that she didn’t have any fertile eggs to hatch. She would be such a good mamma! Maybe in the spring…
Although it’s cold here, everyone was out enjoying the sunshine today.
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