Look how big Grace & Kiki got while I was away!
It is hard to believe how big baby goats can grow in just 12 days! Look at grace in that picture; she’s almost as tall as Princess Kate now! I swear I think they bred Cissy to a Gazelle instead of a Nigerian Dwarf goat too, since Grace can jump like you wouldn’t believe.
Everybody seemed genuinely happy to have me back home, and it was nice to see them all waiting at the door as late afternoon approached on Sunday and feeding time was near.
I was excited to find the new egg cartons I’d ordered waiting for me. I designed a label for the carton yesterday so they’ll be all set for sale at Free Range Friday. They are a 6-egg capacity octagonal carton for those people that just don’t use that many eggs.
And lots of progress was made on the goat house and chicken coop while I was gone, which I was very pleased to see. The rubber flooring and the cabinet was installed in the ‘human’ part of the goat house and it looks terrific. The cabinet still needs to be stained and a Formica countertop will be installed.
and the composite decking was installed too. I chose this multi-colored wood color and my father, a carpenter his entire life, thought that it was some fancy imported hardwood, so I guess it really does look pretty good.
Construction of the silo has begun. This and the roof are the last pieces that need to be completed on the two barns.
The fencing is really coming along as well. I wanted them to get a bit more done before I put up pictures though. It’s a really large area that will be fenced in, and I’m so excited to be able to have all of my animals in that large area and not have to worry about the babies wandering into something dangerous.
Now that the inside of the goat house is complete I felt it was time to “move in”. I hung the curtains that I’d found at a bargain price a few months ago, hung up a chalk board so I can write down supplies I need to buy, a clock, and I couldn’t resist the adorable battery-operated paper lanterns I found at Joann’s Crafts today for 70% off.
It’s all so wonderful, outrageous, fanciful and completely over-the-top terrific. My animals have no idea how lucky they are. Although I have to say that sometimes when I’m scratching Princess Kate and she’s looking into my eyes with those gorgeous yellow eyes she has, I think she knows. Remember, she came from a goat meat farm. I’m sure she’d heard stories.
two things:
1. the first picture shows grace and kiki coming OUT of the chicken house where they sneak in to eat the chicken food. naughty.
2. the second picture where everyone is waiting to be fed does not truly depict the frenzy that awaits when it is feeding time. If you take too long, Melina will butt her head against the door until you come out, acting like she hasn’t eaten all day long. And not just once I might add… naughty.