The first (and only) full day of my Learning to Spin class started early and ended late. In the morning we were still learning how to use a drop spindle with wool roving.

Yarn Spun on a Drop Spindle
By mid-morning we were spinning on wheels. I got a two-treddle wheel that I really felt comfortable with.

By 9:00 tonight I had used all of the brown wool roving that we had received when class started and moved on to some alpaca roving that I had bought at a agricultural fair in Connecticut. Alpaca fiber is supposed to be much more difficult to spin than wool roving so I first tried spinning it on a drop spindle, but felt so comfortable with that that I moved on to the spinning wheel. I finished that whole thing of roving too! Unfortunately I do not have a picture of that to show you (yet) as I forgot to take one.
By the end of the night I had two rolls of brown wool yarn and one of the beautiful pink and yellow alpaca yarn.
Tomorrow we’ll learn to “ply” the yarns together and then there will be an “show” of what all of the students at the school here this weekend have made which should be very fun and inspirational.
My sister has completed 3 bowls in her woodturning course!
My laptop is about to die and I forgot my power cord somehow so I’ll post tomorrow night again.
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