
I don’t have a lot of spare time in my day to cruise blogs and websites, but when I do find a few minutes these are some favorites that I check most often.

Nienie Dialogues is written by an amazing woman who was in a small plane crash with her husband that burned 80% of her body and will have surgeries for the rest of her life. She has an amazing husband and four children and although she lives every day in excruciating pain has a love for life and her family that is humbling and makes my life’s problems seem quite small.

She Just Walks Around With It is a funny blog written by one of the founders of BlogHer. She writes about motherhood and life in a humorous fashion. She struggles with weight and probably drinks more than she should and embraces that about herself in a very honest way.

Lisa Adams is a good friend of mine. She was diagnosed with breast cancer four years ago and much of her writing is about cancer, but it’s also about life, loss and grief. She is insanely intelligent and comes from a medical family (both parents are doctors). She has a graduate degree in sociology and really knows what she’s talking about in regards to breast cancer. She has a beautiful style of writing and I follow her regularly.