You could have knocked me over with a feather when my friend Lisa texted me a month or two ago and told me The Fabulous Beekman Boys were going to be coming to the Darien Library. To our small-town library? How convenient was that?

Me and The Beekman Boys, Dr. Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell
I’ve been a fan of theirs since their show first aired on Planet Green two years ago. Two gay guys moving to a farm in upstate New York; what’s not to love about that. I rarely watch TV. I probably haven’t watched more than 5 or 6 shows in the last 9 months. Most of those shows were probably The Fabulous Beekman Boys. With Planet Green going off the air, at least I now have The Incredible Dr. Pol to watch instead on the rare occasion when I just can’t blog, cook, photograph, or craft for another minute.
They were on tour promoting their new cookbook, The Beekman 1802 Heirloom Cookbook. Even the folks at Country Living told me during the Blue Ribbon Blogger Awards Ceremonythat their new book was really good. Apparently The Beekman Boys had been down at the Country Living Fair in Atlanta, so they spoke from experience.
The book looks lovely and I can’t wait to try some of the recipes. I bought an extra copy for as a gift that they signed as well. If you really want a good read though read either of Josh’s other two books. The Bucolic Plague is about how they found their house in Sharon Springs and started the farm and business. I Am Not Myself These Days is an incredible memoir about Josh’s earlier life in New York as a drag queen. He went by the name of Aqua and ‘her’ claim to fame was real fish in fishbowl boobs. A book full of laughs, pain and heartache. I loved that book and when you meet him now it’s hard to imagine him as he was then. He’s a terrific writer.
You never know with these things how crowded they are going to be. I was meeting my friends Lisa and Cyrena there. We got there a half hour before it was scheduled to start, and we plopped ourselves right down front and center. They were charming and adorable and entertaining. They talked about how they found the farm and how the business started. They talked about the new cookbook of course. They had a question and answer session too and then they did book signings. I brought along my copy of The Bucolic Plague for them to sign as well. Unfortunately I Am Not Myself These Days appears to be in Wyoming.
I gave them some of my linoleum print cards. I think I was the only one that brought them a gift. I guess I was used to Pioneer Woman — everyone brought her a gift when I went to her book signing a few years ago.
And you know how much I like to have my photo taken. Somehow Cyrena managed to get a decent one of me (top photo), but this is how I always feel when the camera is on me instead of in my hands.
I don’t think Lisa’s ever had a bad photo taken of her.
So it was a fun night and I was home by 8:30. Just getting out of the house at night these days is a thrill for me. To meet two girlfriends for a book lecture by people I read and admire was a real treat.

They wore their wellies!
I just LOVE the wellie shot!
Call me wind because I am ablltuoesy blown away.
So much fun. Many times today I found myself laughing at things that happened/were said. Great to finally meet Cyrena too!
We need a lot more inghtiss like this!