It’s been a crazy few days. Between Evan’s adventures in botany, his and Maia’s 11th birthdays (which were yesterday), and getting ready to go to Atlanta with my sister for the BlogHer Food ’11 conference, I’ve been a little busy.
Sunday night I was up baking sugar cookies until 1:20 AM.

Maia went with a mustache theme for her class cookies

Evan went with a cowboy and rocket theme, but I ran out of time to decorate the rockets.
Tuesday I was up decorating them until 2 AM! That, my folks, is the end of my adventures in sugar cookies. At least for a while. I was so darn tired by the time I finished that I didn’t even take any decent pictures of them when they were done.

Here's a sampling of the three styles of mustaches Maia had.

And here's a few of the cowboy-themed cookies for Evan's class.
I’m bringing my laptop with plenty of work, so while everybody else is out boozing it up I’ll be in my room working away. That’s the plan at least.
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