Although the weatherman predicted it, I have learned not to believe it until I see it when it comes to weather predictions. Well, for once they were right. By mid-morning it was snowing here, and by mid-afternoon the power and internet were out. Driving was a bit slippery, the highway was crawling, and it was really, really cold out for Connecticut on October 29th.

A Land Trust field in Westport, CT covered in Snow today - October 29th. Crazy.

This was the view out my car window on Interstate I-95 today around 1:00 this afternoon. Maia and I went up to the new Shake Shack for a late lunch with the gift certificate she won at her school's halloween dance last night for having the most creative costume.

"What the heck is that?" the goats were all asking me this morning. Kiki and Grace had never seen snow before, and Princess Kate may not remember it from her younger kid days. They wanted nothing to do with the snow today.

Large branches still filled with fall leaves were snapped by the heavy snow, bringing power lines down everywhere.
Our power came back on tonight around 10:00, which I’m very grateful for. Our house was beginning to get really cold and we were all walking around with hats and winter coats on. The internet just came on recently, and I’m even more grateful for that luxury.
still no power here. your neighborhood won this time! Of course Maia won, you are the BEST costume maker. Most importantly, though: how was Shake Shack?