Thoughts Thoughts

A Beach Sunrise

I’m a night owl, not getting to bed before 12:00 most nights, and then I read every night once I get there. My normal rising time during the week is 6:20, but this morning it was 5:00 as I had to deliver my daughter to school by 6:15 for her class field trip to Washington, D.C. It also happened to be her 14th birthday today, so we pretended it was her birthday yesterday instead.

And yes, I live in a fairly constant state of exhaustion.

India and her Sun Conure parrot, Salsa, open birthday presents a day early.

Now, having to get up that early was awful, but I wasn’t going to let an opportunity to be near the beach at sunrise pass by without taking advantage of it.

A beautiful sunrise.

A seagull flying with his breakfast in his beak, looking for a good place to drop it and break the shell open. I love the golden sunrise reflecting off the underside of his wings.

Everybody seemed to be having breakfast!

The breakfast drop completed, and preparing for landing.

And it was COLD this morning; 19 degrees when I was out there. I wished I’d brought a hat and gloves, but I wasn’t functioning properly at that hour.

A shallow tidal pool froze into the most beautiful ice crystals.

So although it was awfully early to be up and out, being able to get some great photos made it much more pleasant.


  1. GREAT PHOTOS!!!!!

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