My favorite cooking website is hands-down Cook’s Illustrated. To really utilize the site you need to pay a yearly membership fee, but I use it almost every day. Although I probably have every issue they ever published, instead of having to search through years of issues looking for a certain recipe, I run to the computer and type in “chicken soup” or “Italian buttercream” and almost always find what I need. What I love about their recipes is that they always work. They test each recipe probably 50 or 100 times until it’s virtually foolproof. I have never had one of their recipes fail. They are the Julia Child of the Internet world for cooking in my mind.
Fine Cooking also has a good website. It’s another site that you can best utilize only if you have a paid subscription to. If you were going to pick one site over another I would choose Cook’s Illustrated. I am a member of both, but that’s overkill if you’re not a serious cook.
The Internet is your greatest resource in looking for recipes. Of all of the recipe websites out there I tend to go to the most.
Smitten Kitchen is probably my favorite cooking blog. I don’t know what it is about her site that appeals to me so much; perhaps the photographs. I think I have probably cooked only one or two of her recipes, but I like the way she writes. If I have just a minute to check out a cooking blog it is generally hers that I’ll go to.
Orangette, written by Molly Wizenberg wrote a wonderful book about cooking and life that I quite enjoyed. Her husband opened up a restaurant about a year ago and her posts have been spotty at best since then, but I still check it often to see if there’s something new there. She has lovely photography.