More exciting progress was made on the goat house today. We got a roof on the entire house and we got a wall where the cabinet will go. We are anticipating rain tomorrow, so they brought home the various elements to create the cupolas for the houses; there will be two on the goat house and one on the chicken coop with solar-powered ventilation fans built into the base of the cupolas. Fancy.
And Princess Kate was screaming so loudly when I let the other goats and chickens out for their free-ranging that I finally let her out too. She was terrific and stuck with the other goats. Cissy continued to ignore her as much as she could, and Melina alternated between being the concerned mother-figure that Kate so desperately wants to chasing her around trying to bite her rump. For the most part they got along quite well today though.
All of the animals really enjoy being under the new goat house. While I was initially concerned with this unexpected space due to the change in grade of the land, perhaps it will turn out to be a good thing.
The flowers are particularly lovely right now in the yard.
Love seeing the pics of the girls with her. Any new fainting activity? does it increase as they grow?