Goat Line Dancing
First I want to say that I think that perhaps that old groundhog Punxsutawney Phil should be fired and perhaps my chickens should be hired, because their egg laying is predicting an early spring.

They were all taking a really relaxing winter break at the end of December – when I was getting a measly 1-6 eggs a day, but all of a sudden they are laying faster than I can collect them. I got 29 the other day and have been getting over 2 dozen eggs daily all week. That’s crazy for this time of year, but I’ll take it. I’ll also be able to start up Free Range Friday’s* again
But today we had a cold day, and perhaps the chill in the air put some frisk in my little Kiki’s hooves, because she was full of piss and vinegar today.

It's taken a long time, but Melina is actually very fond of both Kiki and Grace now, but does seem to have a particularly soft spot in her heart for Grace.
I got some good clips of Kiki and grace playing as only goats can play together. It’s particularly funny when Princess Kate, my brown and white Tennessee Fainting Goat tries to join in the fun, which she does so in her rather stiff-legged way. But truly I have to give her an A+ for effort – she’s not much of a frolicker normally. Also entertaining is Grumpy Melina shaking her head no at all of their childish antics towards the end of the video.
And to update you on my injured Barred Rock hen, she’s eating and drinking well, and she laid an egg today! I was so excited to find it in her crate.
I’m afraid her left leg shows absolutely no sign of improvement though. I may break down tomorrow and take her to the vet. I think she’s a little depressed now too. I guess I would be too if I were in her situation. But Jim took her out of her crate tonight and set her up between two pillows on a towel, which was a great way to prop her up. She seemed to enjoy it.
Bullet takes his job very seriously here on the farm and insisted on keeping an eye on her.
He’s a long dog.
Notice how much closer he is now? He was doing the little creep crawl as I was feeding her.
And so passes another day on the farm.
* Free Range Friday’s is a weekly email blast I send out to my mailing list of local people where they can come on Friday’s and buy fresh eggs and anything else I may have for sale, like canned jams or my honey.
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