I am so mad tonight because Princess Kate started fainting today! Full-on, fall-over, feet-in-the-air fainting and I got in on video, but for some reason I lost it on the download! I am going to try again tomorrow and hopefully by tomorrow night I’ll have some video to show you.
In the meantime, I’ll just have to show you the progress on the goat barn and some other critters I took today.

I just love this barred rock hen.
We made some exciting progress on the goat barn. My contractor’s know that I have to move Melina into the goat barn this weekend whether it’s ready or not due to the impending delivery on Monday or Tuesday. She needs time to get adjusted to the new space. Today they finished building the low walls around the stalls and installed the interior doors to the stalls. Unfortunately the hardware for the exterior doors won’t come until Monday, so they’ll jury-rig something for the weekend for me. Tomorrow they are hoping to install the rubber mat flooring. They also got the bigger side of the roof sealed with a weatherproofing film. I’ll be putting a metal roof on it once I can finally decide on a color.

The roof is weatherproofed on the larger side now.

The low stall walls are built and the interior doors are installed.

There are small walls that will be where the milking stand goes. That arrived today too.

And this is the wall and opening where the door will be that will separate the two pens. It can be opened if I want one big area, or closed to create one L-shaped pen and one smaller square pen.

The grass has suddenly turned green and lush and everyone is enjoying it immensely.

Princess Kate taking a nap under the nesting boxes in the coop.
She’ll show you her fainting tomorrow.
love love love love LOVE! Everything looks so great! Especially with the GREEN background and GREEN grass. I thought we’d never make it. It’s too bad all the viewers can’t come see the goat house in person to truly appreciate it. It’s so awesome. As are your chickens and goats in person!