Cissy • Born January 27, 2009 • Died May 30, 2011
My sweet Cissy passed away this afternoon. We just couldn’t find a way to treat the toxemia that she’d developed from her pregnancy, although I feel confident that the vet tried every possible course of action and spoke to every qualified veterinarian she could get on the phone for new ideas on treatments. She put up a hard fight, but after over 3 days of being critically sick, she had a seizure and died shortly after that.

She was a sweet and loving goat who gave us nothing but joy and laughs. We will all miss her. She left this earth leaving two wonderful things in my care.

Me with Grace and Kiki
And I will do my best to take the best possible care of them. Melina has agreed tentatively that she might help out.

Melina meets the new babies

Grace and Kiki ventured outside for the first time today
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