You may remember this lovely rooster from Williamsburg that I coveted. At $850 that was about all I was going to do with it though. Apparently it was made by an artist that apprenticed in Colonial Williamsburg and is now a hot folk art craftsperson commanding high prices.

Original Rooster Made by Folk Artist in Colonial Williamsburg for $850
I thought to myself “I can do that.” And so I did.

He’s got a little kink in the tail from the header it took off the table before I had the stand done. I’ll fix that when I get a chance. I’m pretty happy with the way it came out. While maybe not as beautiful as the one I saw by the artist, I love it more because I made it myself.
I started with simple materials. A large piece of basswood that I bought on eBay, a wood ball that I found by searching the internet, some steel rods and sheet steel that I bought at Home Depot, craft paint, crackle paint and shoe polish! The stand I took to a local welder and had made to my specifications. I spent less than $100 in materials. I did most of the work at home, and spent a few hours at the Woodworkers Shop to use their great sanding machines and band saws.
I thought I had downloaded all of the photos I needed for this post, but of course as I sit down to work on this I realized that somehow they didn’t all get on there. I’m in a hotel room in Atlanta tonight waiting for the BlogHer Food ’11 conference to start tomorrow morning, so there’s not a thing I can do about it right now on my laptop. If anyone would like to see more details on how I actually made the rooster, just leave a comment, send me an email, hire a skywriter, send me a smoke signal. Something. If there’s any interest I’ll post more. If not, I’ll consider this a done deal.
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