I saw this great scarf on Pinterest that was available at Anthropologie, but it was $149! I thought I could make something pretty similar to it for a whole lot less than that.
I started by hitting some local thrift shops looking for scarfs, but for some reason there were none to be found today. Then I tried T.J. Maxx, but what they had either wasn’t the right fabric, was too large, or too expensive. I ended up going to a local fabric store that has an amazing assortment of dressmaking fabrics. Since I was going to be buying fabrics rather than using what I found at a thrift store, I’d be able to really pick colors that I liked and worked well together. I started by picking a patterned fabric that I loved, and from there I chose different colored & patterned solids that coordinated or complemented the patterned fabric.
Unfortunately this store has a 1/2 yard minimum on fabrics. I knew I wouldn’t need nearly that much to make just one, so however many necklaces I can make with the extra fabric I’ll stick on my Etsy shop for sale. In the end all of the fabric and 6 spools of serger threads did end up costing me $90, but I think I’ll get at least 4 necklaces out of that. If I were to buy that many at Anthropologie it would have cost me $600, so I keep telling myself I’ve saved $510.
This project does require a serger sewing machine to create those finished edges on the strips of fabric. If you don’t own one and want to try this yourself, perhaps a local store has one you can rent.
I started by serging strips of the fabrics in assorted lengths, tapering down to a point at each end.
I did end up going to purchase this necklace so I could take a closer look at how it was constructed. It will be returned tomorrow. It was interesting to examine though, as what I initially assumed were just strips all in rows was actually a complicated pattern of assembly.
I don’t think I quite duplicated the exact way that it was assembled, but I tried. I created 3 separate sections, putting some twists into the fabric strips sometimes, that I joined together to create 3 strands. These 3 strands were then tied all together and knotted to create the necklace.

Strand One

Strand One and Two

Strand One, Two & Three completed.
Just like the Anthropologie necklace, I didn’t need to use any hardware to create the clasp. I make a double knot on one end, and on the other I inserted a thin strip of finished fabric opposite to the main strands and knotted them together to create the loop to go over the knot on the other end.
And here’s the finished necklace.
Now my friend Cyrena, who not only patiently shopped for the fabric with me today but stayed with me until midnight when I tied the final knot in it, pointed out that the Anthropologie necklace didn’t have the little tails on the knots, but had a more finished appearance to it. Of course we didn’t notice this until it was all done. Upon closer inspection we could see that they had indeed tied them just like I had done, but then tied the strips again to cover up the “tails”. I actually like mine the way it is, but it will be interesting to see what it looks like to try it that way as well.
I think this is a terrific necklace with endless possibilities. You can make it with heavier fabric, thicker strips, add beads, do themed necklaces, like red, white and blue for summer holidays, etc. I’m going to try one with men’s shirt fabric to see what that looks like too. If anybody gives this project a shot let me know. Or, if you just want to buy one, check back in my Etsy shop and I should have a few there soon.
This is beautiful! I love your version!
Thank you! I love the way it came out. I wore it today and already had somebody that wanted to buy one, so that was exciting.
I was just about to comment that someone wanted to buy it when we were out yesterday. Loved seeing it and am thinking of using some old scarves and ribbons for it… would be a neat custom piece, maybe even with chemo scarves?!
That is what I was thinking! Awesome project.
Wowweee-wow! Need this. Must have this. Now…to find some silk scraps!