So remember that burlap I printed with my linoleum’s last time? Well, this is what I did with them. I made pillows!

I love the Free Range Children pillows with the gathered piping.

But I love the rooster with the straight piping too.
I knew I wanted to add some piping to the pillows so they wouldn’t be just plain burlap, and I found this great checked fabric I loved. It wasn’t too country because it had some sheen to it, but it meant I had to make the piping myself. That’s a tutorial for another day. I made a little straight piping for one rooster pillow. For the other I gathered the piping to give it a little more interest.

I made envelope backs on the pillows so I wouldn’t have to deal with sewing in a zipper. I also backed each piece, front and back, with a similar-colored cotton fabric to the burlap so you wouldn’t see the pillow insert through the burlap.

Being home with a sick child all day Monday helped move this project along faster than I expected!
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