This is not a traditional cooking post of mine, but frankly I worked so hard on these that I just had to show you.
I received a free box of King Arthur Flour Vanilla Sugar Cookie Mix with an order I received the other day. Now I like a sugar cookie as much as the next person I suppose, but often find that they’re old and stale or the icing tastes like wallpaper paste. Occasionally you’ll get a good one, and then you remember why they’re so popular. I’m also not a huge fan of the time you need to spend rolling out and cutting out any kind of cookie. I much prefer the ice cream scoop method straight onto a sheet of parchment. However, for whatever reason last night I decided to give this free cookie mix a shot. The dough was easy to make, rolled out pretty nicely, cut pretty well and baked up to a delicious cookie. I was impressed. I have a great collection of cookie cutters, which is odd for someone who rarely uses them — it’s the Hoarder in me. I chose my favorites and ended the night with a nice assortment of delicious cookies.
(please excuse the horrible photography in this post – I took them with my cell phone to send to my daughter in college – I didn’t plan on posting them!)

Amanda loves gnomes.
But I couldn’t stop there. No. It’s not like I didn’t have a zillion other things that I could have been doing. I had to ice them. First I had to find an icing recipe that looked like it would create a nice smooth layer, taste good, and dry hard. I found one on that got rave reviews. For flavoring it called for almond extract, which I love, but I decided to also add a little orange extract as well. Almond and orange flavors go great together, and I thought it might be more kid-appealing.
I kid you not when I say this took the bulk of 4 or 5 hours to complete. It completely consumed my entire afternoon. There was frozen pizza for dinner tonight. But holey smokes, do these cookies look and taste great (lousy photography aside).

These are the most adorable cookies I may have ever seen. A chicken rolling her egg underneath her. Makes me feel right at home. I used three different colors of icing on them, and still can't decide which one I prefer.

A Chipmunk, Gnome, Small Chicken & Goldfish

Peas in a Pod, Sheep, Mouse & Moose
And no, it did not take me all afternoon to ice just 11 cookies, these are just examples of the variety that I made. There were LOTS of cookies from that one box of mix.
Evan told me the other day that his class has decided that they want his birthday this year to be “chicken-themed”. I found it hysterical that these kids are already thinking about Evan’s birthday and what I’m bringing in for a treat when his birthday is over a month away. Also pretty funny that they want a chicken theme. It would be hard to top last year’s TV Dinner Cupcakes, but as I was making these chicken cookies I decided these would be just perfect.
I guess I’d better block off a few days on my calendar to get those done.
So that’s how my day was.
So adorable. You amaze me every day with your talents.